Mr. HAI Veha
Co-Founder &Chief Executive Officer (CEO)


I begin this message to the Chairman of the Board of Directors &Members, shareholders, top management, employees, and the hundreds of people who are reading this; with a sense of pride about our company due to the company foundation prosperous which was built for steady growth as well as becoming to be one of the top chosen pawn shop in Cambodia among our established Branches.

As I look back at the beginning of 2015 — a period of hardship start-up, fewer investors, small building, and a certain number of employees, It absolutely becomes remarkable how much we have accomplished and put in work to implement our project plan — that was not only in terms of financial performance but in our constant dedication to help improving clients and forbye better support our communities in delivering them Pawnshop Service – receiving cash convert from their valued collaterals in a short pawn assessment cycle.

Being a Chief Executive Officer (CEO) in a Finance Project, I typically deal with a varied job, executive decisions, directing lead overall to our company’s growth, and hand-on-hand elaboration in day-to-day activities to go beyond our company’s Vision and needs.

The year 2020, is recognized as the world pandemic period that exposed affection to every part of the world, economically and everything, despite this, we still keep aspiring to run our operation and continue to maintain the relevant outsourcing from month to month.

In our partnership that I call-Investor and trust, we promise to leap forwards by gathering the wisdom of all the employees to work together for a single goal as a project to have further activities to reach our Vision more intensified.

After all, I’d like to take this time to express my gratitude for your ongoing support – involvement, and trust in our dedication to Business in all areas.

Yours Faithfully,

Mr. HAI Veha

Co-Founder &Chief Executive Officer (CEO)